DEIB solutions for organizations of all sizes - cultural agency for Asian Americans and allies alike.
DEIB solutions for organizations of all sizes - cultural agency for Asian Americans and allies alike.
“Free yourself. You may not have chains around your legs, but you may have chains around your mind. Break loose from the chains. Find your true identity.”
1.) Overcoming Toxic Invisibility
The path to radical visibility for all
Asian Americans are more represented than ever in media and society, yet we remain invisible in the public eye and the target of increasing hate crimes. In addition to external forces that render us invisible–like Racism and White Supremacy–we also render ourselves invisible through the internal forces of guilt, shame, self-doubt, and inter-generational trauma. The repression of this emotional pain buries it even deeper until we are ready to explode.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to combat both the external and internal forces of invisibility by understanding the root causes of both, how they affect us, and how we have the power to overcome them. Participants will be given tangible tools to heal themselves, heal others, and be seen.
Workshop presentation followed by interactive physical, vocal, and somatic exercises developed from therapy practices, public speaking techniques, and psychological research, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs (length, content) of your organization.
2.) Asian American Renaissance
Visibility for All
What does it mean to be Asian American?
...Stop asking the question and start answering it.
With more Asian Americans than ever involved in the arts, sports, entertainment, politics, entrepreneurship and beyond, we are poised to leave an indelible mark on American society, and perhaps even create a new and distinctive identity for ourselves for the 21st century. But what will that identity look like? What does it mean to be Asian American?
This workshop will cover the history of Asian American culture and introduce the revolutionary notion of "cultural synthesis", the process in which many diverse narratives come together to create a new culture inclusive of all. It will explore how the merging of cultures (which takes place regularly within AAPI and all bi-cultural communities) has wide ramifications for transforming our workplaces and achieving radical visibility.
Workshop presentation followed by interactive exercises developed from cultural research, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs (length, content) of your organization.
3.) Storytelling for Self-Advocacy and Success
Tradition holds that the way to obtain sponsorship for promotion is to speak up and announce your accomplishments to others. But this can be especially difficult for those of us who were told never to brag, boast, or put yourself above others, or for whom it is not in our nature. By doing so, this form of self-advocacy can feel like living a lie.
A growing body of brain science tells us that telling stories – not bragging – has the power to connect us, persuade us, and even change our beliefs. Stories activate deep structures in the mind of both speaker and listener that aren’t activated in normal conversation, and even alter our brain chemistry as we listen to them. This means that storytelling can be an even more impactful way to build the relationships necessary for advancement. It also doesn’t require you to be someone you’re not. In fact, good storytelling actually requires you to be more emotionally honest and true to who you are as an individual with unique experiences.
In this workshop, you will learn the neuroscience behind storytelling, story structure, and how to craft and present a compelling narrative from your own experience not only to become a better communicator, but to maybe even change how business is done.
Workshop presentation followed by interactive journaling, physical, vocal, and somatic exercises developed from professional writers, therapy practices, public speaking techniques, and psychological research, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs (length, content) of your organization.
4.) Heal the Workplace
Healing-Centered Systems Change
After years of traumatic global events, it can no longer be argued whether employee wellness has an impact on company success, with individual and systemic trauma being clear factors holding back progress and preventing workplaces from transforming. Without acknowledging and healing that trauma, systems change is impossible. When trauma is properly resolved and integrated collectively, healing can produce tremendous energy and creativity, not only bringing regeneration to the workplace and opening up untapped potential, but opening the doors to systems-level transformation.
Key Takeaways:
· Learn tactics for nervous system regulation and trauma integration
· Explore different collective healing approaches
· Develop strategy for systems-level transformation
Workshop features interactive physical, vocal, and somatic exercises developed from therapy practices, public speaking techniques, and psychological research, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs (length, content) of your organization.